Learn how hearing aids can improve intimacy


Every couple knows that listening is one of the keys to a successful, long-term relationship. When one feels like they’re not being heard by their partner, emotional distance grows, resentment broods and communication breaks down. Healthy communication is a stabilizer in any relationship, but especially in your relationship with your significant other.

In order to listen, you have to be able to hear. Those with hearing loss tend to rely on visual cues like body language and facial expressions to fill in where their hearing fails, but visual cues can only tell you so much. Wearing hearing aids not only improves your hearing, it improves your relationships. Opening up that extra channel of communication can stimulate conversation and reduce frustration, providing better understanding of one another. 

hearing aids and intimacy
If you have hearing loss your 

relationship doesn’t have to

suffer. Hearing aids might be

the key to opening up the

communication again!

1) Missed signals

Couples have an intimate connection. Partners often need only a few words or a look to communicate an entire conversation to one another. But what if your hearing loss is blocking that secret conversation? Part of what makes a relationship special is its exclusivity, that unique way of communicating that only you two understand. Inside jokes go unnoticed, whispered secrets in a crowded room become impossible and a side comment slipped in the middle of a group conversation can be missed completely. You might miss other more important things your partner is telling you as well.

2) Miscommunication

What was that? Did you say “answer the phone” or “Sarah is home?” Hearing loss can result in a lot of confusion for the person experiencing it. Mistakes made from mishearing your partner could result in fighting and a decline in overall happiness. Relationships are enough work as it is without factoring in the added burden of hearing loss. A hearing aid is a simple solution to reducing miscommunication and maximizing your hearing potential.

3) Frustration and tension

Dealing with hearing loss is frustrating not only for you, but for the people around you as well. While they may understand it’s not your fault, it’s still tiring for them to repeat things to you, to answer for you when you miss a question, answer your phone calls and make other adjustments to their daily routine. Significant others are responsible for the bulk of the changes, so it can be hard for them to adapt. Hearing aids would help return the relationship to its pre-hearing loss function.

4) Conversation

People with hearing loss have a tendency to withdraw into themselves because conversation becomes embarrassing and difficult. You may not realize it at first, but you’re putting distance between yourself and your loved one by avoiding conversation, whether that be in person or on the phone. Hearing aids, while they take some getting used to, allow you to engage in conversation and maintain your connection with your partner much better than if you didn’t wear them.

5) Tuning in to each other

All the extra communication opportunities hearing aids provide you allow you to become better tuned to your partner’s needs. Cohabitation becomes much easier when a couple’s understanding of each other improves. Plus, when your partner sees you making an effort to improve your hearing condition, they’re more likely to put in an effort also.

Living with hearing loss requires extra effort. But it requires a lot less effort if you take the available options to improve your hearing. Doing so will not only relieve the stress you experience every day, but reduce the stress it places on your loved one. Constant communication is necessary in a relationship, and communication comes much easier when you can hear one another.


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