Hearing and auditory deprivation effect

[ad_1] Hearing loss is often gradual and, therefore, something that you adapt to. You may not notice it for months. Even years. But slowly, the hearing apparatus that nature provided does wear out for many as we grow older and it’s simply part of the aging process – and not one of the good parts.…

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Older adults and cochlear implants

[ad_1] Up to 53 million people worldwide live with severe to profound hearing loss. Hearing aids work well for many people, but are not always adequate. Fortunately, there is another option: Cochlear implants, which are small devices surgically installed in your ear that stimulate the auditory nerve directly with electrical currents. The implant bypasses injured…

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Bilateral hearing aids

[ad_1] So, you finally made that appointment for a hearing evaluation. Congratulations. You took that all-important first step to a better quality of life. Ah, but the results of that evaluation are…not what you were hoping. You have been told you are a hearing aid candidate and it is time to start researching which hearing…

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Treatment for tinnitus caused by cell phones

[ad_1] People who experience tinnitus describe it differently. Some experience a whooshing sound in their ears. Others experience a hissing sound, a whistle or a roar. And some simply identify their symptoms as phantom sounds – sounds that aren’t produced naturally but are caused by a condition called tinnitus, or what most of us would…

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Cool hearing aids and hearing aid technology

[ad_1] The evolution of hearing aids has gone from rudimentary and downright-unsightly earpieces to almost-unseen and ultra-sensitive hearing devices. While it may seem that this evolution from the bulky and larger hearing aids to streamlined and virtually invisible hearing aids was a normal course of events for individuals with hearing loss, it really shows that…

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Do hearing aids amplify all sounds?

[ad_1] Because hearing aids are essentially amplifiers of sound, there’s a dog-eared myth that hearing aids boost volume of all sounds that reach the hearing aid and  you hear all sounds equally loud – background noise, a conversation three tables over at a quiet bistro, the din and clatter of a busy office – all get a…

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Children’s annual noisy toys list

[ad_1] Before you make your toy purchases, you must know about a few very noisy toys out there.  Instead of bringing joy to your children, these toys could give them unwanted, permanent hearing loss. That’s right; many of the toys for children on the market ring in at more than 129 decibels (dB.) That’s well…

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